Our Learning
At St Paul’s, we aim for excellent teaching and promote high expectations and a nurturing ethos, so that all our children are happy, independent and resilient, and have the skills, knowledge and self-belief to become confident, creative citizens who can make a difference to the world and keep themselves safe. We educate and celebrate the whole child as an individual, preparing them spiritually, morally, physically, socially, intellectually and emotionally for their future lives. We want to support everyone on their faith journey, allowing them to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus and to recognise the love of God in their lives.
Teaching and Learning at St Paul’s
We want all children to make good progress through knowing more and remembering more. In all subjects, we ensure that pre-knowledge and skills are revised and links are made with current learning. Children are given the opportunity to overlearn key concepts through repetition, modelling and scaffolding of learning. Learning is progressive and sequential. Reading, vocabulary and oracy are emphasised in all subjects.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to inspire children to love learning, which enables EVERY child to do their very best and to build a deep friendship with Christ. The children understand this to mean, ‘United through Jesus, in faith, love and learning.’