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St Paul's Catholic
Primary School

Faith in Action

Some of our older children are working towards the Faith In Action Award.  They will perform at least 20 hours of service in school or parish community. Each week, they have been meeting to learn about prominent Catholics and discuss how their examples impact on their own faith.

They will receive their award at a special schools Mass in Portsmouth Cathedral.

The children working in their weekly meeting with Fr. Jude and Mrs. McKie.


Our St. Paul's children who received the Faith in Action Award this year at the Portsmouth Cathedral this year.








Our children at the Annual Schools' Mass, being presented with their Faith in Action award.







Our Bishop spent time with our Faith in Action children after the Annual School's mass at the Cathedral.




Our Faith in Action children leading Laudate Si for the lower key stage 2 children, in our Copse, as part of Celebration of the Word.




Some comments from our children about their experience of studying for and receiving their award:

"We learnt in great detail about some influential Catholics. It made me realise how many people have lived out and spread our Faith".

"At first I thought it would be a bit annoying to miss out on lunch times but I soon got involved and I really enjoyed helping people.  We found out what goes on in our parish that we didn't even know about".

"We were given lots of opportunities to increase our Faith.  I know now that I had taken my Faith for granted, now I understand the Gospel much more and the messages of the Homily".

"I feel happy and blessed to have seen our beautiful Cathedral and met the Bishop".