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St Paul's Catholic
Primary School

Celebration of the Word

At St. Paul's, we have Celebration of the Word everyday. Twice a week, they are whole school celebrations. On Mondays, we focus on readings of the previous day and on Fridays, we combine this with an opportunity to praise children for excellence seen during the week. Once a week, phases run celebrations for their own year groups and in remaining days, they take place in class. Children take a progressively active part in planning and delivering these.

We also have masses and special Celebrations of the Word at different times of the year:

EYFS Welcome Assembly







Our newest children accompanied by their Yr. 6 Mentors bring a painted and named stone to join our family circle. The Early Years parents join us for this special event.








Yr 1 Tie Presentation Ceremony

Parents join us to see their children receive their first school tie.


Harvest Festival

Each year, parents donate items of food and we come together with members of our local SVP group. After the Celebration, our Mini Vinnies help the SVP collect the donations to be distributed locally.




A service of Remembrance is held each year at 11am on or near to the 11th November. This sometimes takes place at school and sometimes at church. It concludes with the children planting the poppies that they have made in our Remembrance garden, at the front of the school, in line with the annual 'Paint Tilehurst Red' campaign.







Advent at St. Paul's.



Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul



Lent at St. Paul's.

The start of Holy Week.

Holy Thursday - Celebration of the Word






Mary in May

We held a special Celebration of the Word for Mary on 24th May. One child from each class formed a procession to place flowers around our beautiful statue of Mary and one child, whose Saint's Day coincided with our celebration, scattered rose petals.  Our First Holy Communion children read prayers and stories about Mary's life and special hymns to Mary were joyfully sung.


D-Day Anniversary






All of our classes gathered together for a moment of quiet reflection on the 80th anniversary of D-Day.







Laudate Si 

Our Faith in Action children leading Celebration of the Word for the lower key stage 2 classes, in our Copse on a sunny summer's day.


 Month of the Sacred Heart

Our Yr 6s, with their mentees, spent a few moments in prayer and quiet reflection, at the Grotto of the Sacred Heart, in our parish.