Ethos and British Values
”United through Jesus in faith, love and learning.”
By this we encompass :
an understanding of the role of democracy; the importance of rule of law; the respect of individual liberty ; the showing of mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
At St Paul's we understand that we are responsible for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and for promoting fundamental British values.
- Our Faith in God is at the centre of all we do.
- We attend Mass regularly.
- We pray regularly together.
- We teach the children RE using the ‘God Matters’ syllabus written by the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. This encompasses the Catholic faith, yet also teaches the children about the different faiths and beliefs of others. Respect is shown to every member of our community.
- Jesus teaches us to love one another – this includes our friends, our families and all our neighbours, regardless of their faith or lifestyle.
- We listen to and respect each other.
- We encourage our children to develop their self-esteem, self-confidence and self-knowledge always - all children take part in annual performances, Masses, assemblies
- We have introduced "Mini-Vinnies" – sharing love and care in our community through our actions in finding ways to help our local communities and reaching out to society.
- We develop children’s understanding and respect for other beliefs and beliefs through our RE Lessons and other lessons/topics where children can develop a respect for other cultures.
- International Day - we celebrate and enjoy learning about the differences in countries and cultures of families in our own communities.
- The children have had the opportunity to talk about democracy in this country and how Parliament is elected during the General election.
- To further develop their understanding of democracy, each year the children have the opportunity to apply to be a School Councillor for their class.
- Another example of pupil 'voice' is the Peer Mediators that have volunteered and been trained to resolve any minor conflicts between their peers in the playground.
- Rules and Laws - at the start of each year every class discusses the need for a set of rules that will enable them to learn in a safe environment. These are displayed and referred to regularly when there is a need.
- Children are taught that they have individual liberty. They are able to make choices, express their views and beliefs within the safe boundaries of the school. Children have choices on learning challenges or activities, in respect of clubs and activities at playtime and after school and are encouraged to use this freedom of choice.